
Middle East Garnet & Abrasive Supplies

Middle East Garnet & Abrasive Supplies

Middle East Garnet & Abrasive Supplies FZC popularly known as MEGA Supplies, is a leading supplier of abrasives such as Garnet & Steel Grit used for surface preparation applications.

MEGA Supplies also provide environmentally-friendly solutions for productivity enhancement and cost reduction to the surface preparation & coating application industry.

MEGA Supplies is currently setting up a fully integrated garnet processing plant to regenerate quality garnet from the used stock. This is a pioneering project aimed at reducing the burden on natural mineral resources and waste disposal sites in UAE. MEGA Supplies is a reliable partner for Asset Protection Facility Owners in Middle East.

Our major customers are leading painting contractors such as Abu Dhabi Coating Enterprises, National Protection Company and major steel fabricators like Lamprell, Mc Dermott, Cleveland Bridge, CBI, Zamil Steel and EBS.

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